Thursday, September 23, 2010

Al-kisah Park Jung Min and facebook

Something that I won’t forget until the rest of my life. Recently, JM start using a facebook! After so many fake accounts of him, now JM open an official facebook account for his fans. After that, I found out that he also open another facebook account which needs him to approve TS one by one. Heard so many TS complaining about that facebook, JM takes long time to approve. Well, that’s not weird. I just add him and the next time I on9, he already approve me. I look at his status, he told TS that he got like 3k friend requests. So I was like, I’m so lucky that he approve me so fast and that time he only got less than 1k friends. I leave some comments just like he told TS at his status, he loves if TS come and leave some comments. At JM official facebook account, of course there are so many fans. JM also make a new twitter account that link directly to his official facebook account. His new twitter @JungMin0403. After I leave some comments, I was thinking that I want him to reply. Because that time he doesn’t have so many friends, I think he can reply me. LOL. But I’m not hoping too much. But still I went to my twitter account, and I saw JM on9 so I twit him; asking him whether he reply our comments at his facebook. The next time I on9, I saw notification JM reply me. 8 september, I will not forget this date ^_^. Gomawo oppa. But now his facebook is gone! somebody hack his facebook. Nevermind, if he still have that facebook also will be difficult for him because can't add many friends. 1st time I'm writing my blog fully English, hope other TS can understand.

Remember our spirit? ^__^

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Amali Phlebotomi

After lecture phlebotomy last year, only this year we got the amali! So nak share la camne wat phlebotomi ni. We must do it 3 times successfully to get the signature. Mula2 tu rasa nak nangis.. keke.. tapi sekarang, rasa best jugak tapi aq xcakap aq suka cucuk orang OK.. ^__^ tp daripada dicucuk, lebih baik mencucuk..

Setinggi2 penghargaan kepada mangsa2 yang kena phlebotomi oleh aq..

1. maisara.. 1st time buat depan dr z, mula2 tu aq cool je.. pas2 tangan ketar2.. cian mai, aq taw mesti sakit sebab tangan aq ketar2 masa nak tarik jarum keluar.. tapi nak wat camne xley nak control.. huhu.. pas2 aq jugak cuak takut dr kate aq fail pas2 kena wat balik, tapi aq telah lulus dengan pecubaan kali pertama! Yeay!

2. sara omar.. ni da ok, xde ketar2 da.. Cuma aq nak pastikan pt xsakit.. ^__^ sara cakap xsakit, aq sangat epy! Hehe..

3. fiza.. masa aq nak cucuk tu, dia suruh aq stop lak.. dia yang xready.. huhu.. tapi last2 ok jugak!

Setelah mendengar penjelasan daripada mangsa2 aq, aq lak nak cakap.. mende ni xsakit kalau cara dia betul… cara-cara yang aq blaja la, camni..

1. Kene relaxkan diri pas2 baru relaxkan pt.. keke..

2. Tengok tempat mane nak cucuk.. pilih vein paling beso sekali.. tangan kanan or kiri xkisah

3. Siapkan peralatan get rid of the air

4. Ikat tangan.. soh dia genggam kasi vein tu lebey clear..

5. Swab

6. Cucuk lam 15 degrees.. dalam mana nak cucuk tu depends on the vein, kalau korang rasa vein tu dalam, cucuk dalam ckit.. tapi jangan lebey 1cm ok.. kalo da 1cm cucuk, xkuar2 darah maknenya salah cucuk la tu xkena vein, so kluarkan balik jarum and cari balik vein..

7. Lepaskan ikatan

8. Baru letak kapas n tarik jarum slowly

9. Jangan lupe put a little pressure kat tempat cucuk tadi untuk elakkan hematoma

Senang je kot tapi aq actually xsuka wat mende ni. Sebab aq pun xsuka orang cucuk aq.. huhu.. ni pulak kesalahan2 yang biasa dibuat..

1. Yang macam aq buat 1st time tu la, ketar2.. relax sudah.. xde sape mati wat menda ni ok..

2. Cucuk lambat2.. if cucuk lambat, t darah tu xmasuk jarum.. if da cucuk tu, go on je..

3. Xreti cari vein, cucuk2 darah xkuar.. memang ada orang tu susah nak nampak vein tapi lama2 biasa la tu..

4. Tarik jarum dulu before lepaskan ikatan

5. Xjaga jarum tol2.. jarum tu ada cap, bila da yakin nak cucuk baru buka cap and terus cucuk.. kalo x nanti, akan tercucuk masa korang ngah pikir2 kat mana vein..

Ok la, tu jea kot kesalahannye.. apa aq gtaw ni, apa yang berlaku.. kalau ada salah silap, biasa la budak baru belajar! Lagipun aq tulis dalam ni supaya nak ingatkan aq balik jugak nanti da keje.. huhu..