Sunday, January 31, 2010

my dad not my bf... LOL

Hari tu aq balik kuantan.. ayah amek kat plaza rah ni sebab dia kebetulan ada keje kat putrajaya.. ayah biasa la saje nak carik excuse supaya ley banyak kali stop.. aq da kata xnak makan tapi berenti gak kat mcd.. aq bebel2 nape xdrive thru je.. tu la ayah aq yang suka stop banyak2 kali kalu drive.. tapi aq nak citer masa ktorg stop isi minyak kat petronas.. aq tengok ada la mak cik ni ngan family dia pandang2 ktorg, senyum2.. aq pandang ayah kat luar, dia wat muka pelik je.. lepas da siap, ayah masuk dalam kete tanya kenal x sape orang tu, aq cakap xkenal.. korang taw x nape dyorg gelak2 tu? Mesti dyorg ingat ayah aq ni bf aq.. yea, dala bawak kete satria neo.. aq hot betul, nak mengata orang agak2 la.. nak aje aq g sound dyorg, harap je tudung labuh pakai kopiah.. so korang2 jangan la cepat prasangka buruk ok..

minggu depan aq exam, so wish me luck ye.. tekanan jiwa aq camni.. mama pesan kalau stress2, banyakkan selawat =) it is sooo good when i can talk to her about anything.. minggu lepas lab ento, lepas exam baru aq upload pic ye.. bila time lab je, da macam sesi fotografi insects lak.. huhu.. semua orang pun bawak kamera..

Monday, January 25, 2010


tutorial phlebotomi yang kene submit esok, nota kuliah sangat ringkas.. so bawah ni aq letak explanation supaye ley faham better.. aq jugak kasi link yang after korang bace, konpem ley jawab sume soklan tutorial dr yang xnak aq sebut nama.. (xnak dia pergi blog aq..hehe..)


Although the larger and fuller median cubital and cephalic veins of the arm are used most frequently, the basilic vein on the dorsum of the arm or dorsal hand veins are also acceptable for venipuncture. Foot veins are a last resort because of the higher probability of complications.

Certain areas are to be avoided when choosing a site:

Extensive scars from burns and surgery - it is difficult to puncture the scar tissue and obtain a specimen.

The upper extremity on the side of a previous mastectomy - test results may be affected because of lymphedema.

Hematoma - may cause erroneous test results. If another site is not available, collect the specimen distal to the hematoma.

Intravenous therapy (IV) / blood transfusions - fluid may dilute the specimen, so collect from the opposite arm if possible. Otherwise, satisfactory samples may be drawn below the IV by following these procedures:

Turn off the IV for at least 2 minutes before venipuncture.

Apply the tourniquet below the IV site. Select a vein other than the one with the IV.

Perform the venipuncture. Draw 5 ml of blood and discard before drawing the specimen tubes for testing.

Cannula/fistula/heparin lock - hospitals have special policies regarding these devices. In general, blood should not be drawn from an arm with a fistula or cannula without consulting the attending physician.

Edematous extremities - tissue fluid accumulation alters test results.

Sunday, January 24, 2010

The Sweetest Smile Contest (^_^)

pic kai spek, nampak gg (0_0) huu~

pic xkai spek, xnampak gg (^_^) hee~

baru je buat blog ni da ngade2 nak masuk contest.. ;D dala xreti guna sangat blog, tp harap2 dapat penuhi syarat2 contest ni.. bukan ape, sebab xreti guna.. semlam baru blaja camne nak follow blog orang.. ishh..lepas agak sejam membelek2 folder pic, aq decide nak letak 1 pic kai spek, 1 xkai spek.. 1 nampak gg, 1 xnampak gg.. huhu.. bagus kan aq? ;p akhir kate,
UNDILAH SAYA!! and WORLD PEACE!! (^_^)y lol

ni nak komen sikit tentang blog Delisya's Collection, bagus la.. aq juga ada tengok blog lain yang buat bisnes macam ni, so aq rase blog ni antara yang terbaik.. tapi jujurnya ur blog kena cantikkan lagi, biar menarik and comel..hehe..keep it up ok! nak aq jadi model korang boleh jugak.. :D

Friday, January 22, 2010

akhirnye...sudah bermule.. ^^

akhirnye aq buat jugak blog ni..tapi now sangat la xtaw bler nak nuleh lam ni..moge aq xmengarut sangat kat sini nanti..ok la..untuk 1st post ni..biar la aq kenal kan penuh... urmm.. tayah kot..huhu..fariha..just fariha..tapi aq ader banyak name..macam tadi cik soleha telah memanggilku ferry (aq mention name ko weh!) glamor ckit, alya lahira..jangan tanya mane dapat name dad from kelantan, my mom from n9 and i was born on 17 november 1990 at hospital lati, kelantan..untuk sejarah hidup aq, skola mane sume, nanti la aq cter.. dipendekkan cter, now aq study kat UKM KKL dekat cowkit..amek sains bioperubatan..nape aq amek kos ni? jawapan yg biase dak2 kos aq jawab..sbb xdapat medic.. huhu.. skunk ni da taun 2..cukup mengarut sampai banyak keje ni..nanti2 aq cont..daa (^^)y